Senin, 21 November 2016

Formal Letter

Pengertian Formal Letter
‘A letter is a written message from one party to another containing information’ maksudnya  Letter/ Surat adalah pesan tertulis dari salah satu pihak lain yang mengandung informasi. Fungsinya mencakup lima hal: sarana pemberitahuan, permintaan, buah pikiran, dan gagasan; alat bukti tertulis; alat pengingat; bukti historis; dan pedoman kerja.
Surat resmi adalah surat yang dibuat suatu instansi, organisasi atau lembaga perusahaan tertentu yang ditujukan kepada seseorang atau lembaga tertentu lainnya. Keberadaan instansi, lembaga, organisasi dan perusahaan tersebut disahkan secara hukum. Contoh surat resmi adalah surat dinas, surat niaga, dan surat sosial.

Layout Of Formal Letter

Form And Style Of Formal Letter
1.      Indented Business Letter

Pada format ini letter head, complementary close, dan signature berada di tengah surat. Sedangkan date berada di posisi rata kanan. Sedangkan inside address, subject, salutation, serta body of letter berada di posisi rata kiri. Namun, pada baris inside address maupun subject akan bertambah spasinya atau setiap baris semakin ke kanan sebanyak jumlah baris dari inside address serta subject. Pada setiap awal paragraf dari isi surat memiliki spasi.

2.      Full Block Business Letter

Pada format  ini letter head, date, inside address, subject, salutation, body of letter, complementary close, signature atau secara keseluruhan dari format surat berada di posisi rata kiri.

3.      Modified Block Business Letter

Pada format ini letter head, date, complementary close, dan signature berada di posisi rata kanan. Sedangkan inside address, subject, salutation, body of letter, maupun enclosure jika terdapatnya lampiran surat, berada di posisi rata kiri.

4.      Semi-Block English Letter

Pada format ini letter head, date, complementary close dan signature berada di posisi rata tengah surat. Sedangkan inside address, subject, salutation, body of letter berada di posisi rata kiri. Pada setiap awal paragraf dari isi surat memiliki spasi.

5.      Hanging English Letter

Pada format ini letter head berada di posisi tengah surat, sedangkan date, complementary close, dan signature berada di posisi kanan surat. Dan bagian inside address, subject, salutation, body of letter berada di posisi rata kiri. Pada setiap awal baris paragraf dari isi surat berada di posisi rata kiri, namun baris-baris berikutnya pada paragraf memiliki spasi.

Rabu, 26 Oktober 2016

Active Voice & Passive Voice

Active Voice (Kalimat Aktif) adalah kalimat yang subject-nya berbuat sesuatau atau melakukan suatu pekerjaan. Dalam bahasa indonesia ciri-ciri kalimat aktif adalah kata kerjanya selalu berawalan “me-“ dan beberapa lagi memiliki awalan “ber-“. Pada kalimat aktif (active voice) ini, kita cukup menggunakan bentuk dasar dari kata kerja (verbs) dalam penyusunan kalimatnya.
  • Rumus Active Voice:
S + V (kata kerja yang disesuaikan dengan tenses-nya) + O


Passive Voice adalah konstruksi tatabahasa (secara khusus, specifically, a “voice”). Kata atau frasa kata benda yang akan menjadi obyek dari kalimat aktif muncul sebagai subjek kalimat dengan suara pasif. Dalam bahasa Indonesia kalimat pasif biasanya diikuti prefix berupa di atau ter. Contohnya kalau kalimat aktifnya menginjak maka kalimat pasifnya menjadi dipukul atau terpikul.
  • Rumus passive voice:
S + be + past participle + (by agent)
*by agent: pelaku dari tindakan
Contoh           :
1.      She has been telling it to me. (active)
It has been being told to me by her. (passive)
2.      We can help you. (active)
You can be helped by us. (passive)
3.      The army shot the terrorist. (active)
The terrorist was shot by the army. (passive)
4.      Rina bought a necklace. (active)
A necklace was bought by Rina. (passive)
5.      They did the test. (active)
The test was done by them. (passive)

Pola active dan passive voice pada tiap tensis 
a. Jika active voice dalam simple present tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah is, am atau are. Contoh:
Active    : He meets them everyday.
Passive  : They are met by him everyday.
Active    : She waters this plant every two days.
Passive  : This plant is watered by her every two days.
b. Jika active voice dalam simple past tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah was atauwere. Contoh:
Active    : He met them yesterday
Passive  : They were met by him yesterday
Active    : She watered this plant this morning
Passive  : This plant was watered by her this morning
c. Jika active voice dalam present perfect tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah beenyang diletakkan setelah auxiliary has atau have, sehingga menjadi ‘has been’ atau ‘have been’. Contoh:
Active    : He has met them
Passive  : They have been met by him
Active    : She has watered this plant for 5 minutes.
Passive  : This plant has been watered by her for 5 minutes.
d. Jika active voice dalam past perfect tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah beenyang diletakkan setelah auxiliary had, sehingga menjadi had been. Contoh:
Active    : He had met them before I came.
Passive  : They had been met by him before I came.
Active    : She had watered this plant for 5 minutes when I got here
Passive  : This plant had been watered by her for 5 minutes when I got here
e. Jika active voice dalam simple future tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah be
Active    : He will meet them tomorrow.
Passive  : They will be met by him tomorrow.
Active    : She will water this plant this afternoon.
Passive  : This plant will be watered by her this afternoon.
f. Jika active voice dalam future perfect tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah beenyang diletakkan setelah auxiliary will have, sehingga menjadi ‘will have been’. Contoh:
Active    : He will have met them before I get there tomorrow.
Passive  : They will have been met by him before I get there tomorrow.
Active   : She will have watered this plant before I get here this afternoon.
Passive  : This plant will have been watered by her before I get here this afternoon.
g. Jika active voice dalam past future perfect tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalahbeen yang diletakkan setelah auxiliary would have, sehingga menjadi ‘would have been’.Contoh:
Active    : He would have met them.
Passive  : They would have been met by him.
Active    : She would have watered this plant.
Passive  : This plant would have been watered by her.

h. Jika active voice dalam present continuous tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah (is, am atau are) + being.Contoh:
Active    : He is meeting them now.
Passive  : They are being met by him now.
Active    : She is watering this plant now.
Passive  : This plant is being watered by her now.

i. Jika active voice dalam past continuous tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah (wasatau were) + being.Contoh:
Active    : He was meeting them.
Passive  : They were being met by him.
Active    : She was watering this plant.
Passive  : This plant was being watered by her.

j. Jika active voice dalam perfect continuous tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah (has/have) been + being. Contoh:
Active    : He has been meeting them.
Passive  : They have been being met by him.
Active    : She has been watering this plant.
Passive  : This plant has been being watered by her.

k. Jika active voice dalam past perfect continuous tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah had been + being. Contoh:
Active    : He had been meeting them.
Passive  : They had been being met by him.
Active    : She had been watering this plant.
Passive  : This plant had been being watered by her.

l. Jika active voice dalam future continuous tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalahwill be + being. Contoh:
Active    : He will be meeting them.
Passive  : They will be being met by him.
Active    : She will be watering this plant.
Passive  : This plant will be being watered by her.
m. Jika active voice dalam past future continuous tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah would be + being. Contoh:
Active    : He would be meeting them.
Passive  : They would be being met by him.
Active    : She would be watering this plant.
Passive   : This plant would be being watered by her.

n. Jika active voice dalam future perfect continuous tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah will have been + being. Contoh:
Active    : He will have been meeting them.
Passive  : They will have been being met by him.
Active    : She will have been watering this plant.
Passive  : This plant will have been being watered by her.

o. Jika active voice dalam past future perfect continuous tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah would have been + being.Contoh :
Active    : He would be meeting them.
Passive  : They would be being met by him.
Active    : She would be watering this plant.
Passive  : This plant would be being watered by her.

My experience

My name is Qoni, now I will tell you all about my experience.  Ill never forget the experience of my courses on October 17-21, 2016. At that time I was a mini bank course in TB.Simatupang, South Jakarta. When my residence in Kelapa Dua, Depok. My journey to get there takes more than 90 minutes.
The first day I feel tired because of long journey, jammed and hot. I became friends complain because of the distance. Tired behind the trip but I was glad to meet new friends. My course from 9.00 a.m to 5.00 p.m, while in the kost until 7.00 p.m.
At the time I taught a course into customer service and teller. A very valuable experience for me. Initially felt tired but the passage of time turned out to be enjoy running time mini bank course . Because the experience of the course I became want to work in a bank.

Here are some photo of mini bank course